Oct 14, 2020

Best Of Online Music Conferences For Artists

Making a living with music is the main concern of artists. And the crisis didn’t help. Music conferences provide musicians with the tips they need to make their career successful. A new format emerged from the crisis which enables you to re-watch and attend all of these online conferences for free. Take the time to educate yourself about the new normal. Find new ways to make money with your music – other than touring. Here is the best of online conferences from recent showcase festivals.

What music creators need to know to be correctly credited and compensated for their music

Live at Heart Online (September 2020)

How can you make music production sustainable? What can you do on you own? Niclas Molinder, songwriter, music producer and musician who worked with Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga and The Jonas Brothers tells you what type of data you need to collect before distributing your music. He also explains the difference between payments and credits and more. Watch the full online conference for artists…

Earning Money in Times of Crisis

Waves Festival (September 2020)

Musicians had to look for various sources of funding to make a living since the beginning of the crisis. Contacting music export offices and selling merch has been particularly useful. But what are the modern priorities for someone who wants to make money with music? Get the answers in this INES#panel recorded at Waves Festival 2020.

The American Music Business: After Covid

Live at Heart Online (September 2020)

The American music industry has been hit by the crisis pretty strongly. But there are silver linings! Now more than ever, artists have the time to ‘put their stuff in order’. They need to figure out how to make a living as a musician without going on tour. “Taking care of your fans will pay off” said Kim Vu Dinh, Director and Professor at Berkely University in California. What can you do as an artist to keep busy and avoid massive revenue loss?

Techniques for streaming Live Music from home presented by Yamaha – INES Masterclass

Waves Festival (September 2020)

Andy Cooper from Yamaha Research & Development share highly valuable tips for streaming Live Music from home. All artists should be able to master Livestreaming these days. How can you let your audience experience your sound, gain followers and experience. What are the best practices to prepare your room? What equipment should you use? How to reach good sound? Everything explained in this panel brought to you by Yamaha and INES. Also check the out the gigmit Live Streaming Guide.


What are the pros and cons of online music conferences? Find it out here.
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