Be Creative Competition
Take part in this Win Competition now! Simply apply with your gigmit Artist Page and win your very own JBL EON ONE Compact, a professional video shoot and a €1,000 fixed fee for you! Just answer the following question: Where would you perform your “Play It Safe” gig with your new JBL portable PA? What does the gig of your dreams look like?
Apply HERE
The best idea wins the JBL EON ONE Compact PA system along with all standard cables, a Soundcraft Signature 12MTK mixer and 2 AKG D5 Microphones worth over €1,800 (value based on RRP of relevant products). Applications closing on 4th April 2021, 23:59 CEST.
How Your Idea Wins
Together with JBL Professional, we seek alternative venues where normally no sound systems are installed. Performing in the great outdoors is, of course, possible with the JBL EON ONE Compact, as with it you don’t need a regular power supply. Also conceivable are performances in the mountains, on a shop roof, on a boat, in the forest, from a trailer … – maybe there is something you always wanted to do, which is now possible? Please let us know!
Of course, it is nice when there is an audience too. Then make sure that you don’t expose your fans to any additional risk of infection. No legal violations are allowed. You can find ideas for social distancing concerts here and safety tips here.
Someone who has already realised the power of JBL equipment is Jonas Skielboe from VeloConcerts. Travelling by bicycle, doubling as a stage and using similar products from JBL, AKG, and Soundcraft, his band has performed by the sea and at various other remote locations. The rock band DAILY THOMPSON won this PA too and did this…
How to Take Part In the “Play It Safe” Competition
Before you participate in the competition you must read the conditions of participation. It’s important to know everything in detail. Good news is these aren’t that long.
- You need a gigmit profile. If you don’t have one, register here simply and free of charge.
- Your gigmit Artist Page should be up-to-date and present a professional impression. This is how it works.
- You participate by logging in and applying for the competition “Play It Safe“.
- You read the conditions of participation, fill in the application and answer the three questions. Most important is question #1 – the one about your concept. Ideally, questions #2 and #3 should simply be answered with “YES”.
- You click “Send Application”. Done √
- You receive a notification by email if you have won.
- You perform your Play It Safe Gig on 1st May 2021 and get a €1,000 fixed fee, the mixer, the microphones and the EON ONE Compact from JBL Professional before. Yes, of course, you can keep the equipment after the gig.
- Your gig is documented and filmed by Berlin-based video production company BEAR FILM.
- You and your gig get featured by JBL Professional and us (= free promo and wide reach).
Best of luck, and we can’t wait to see your ideas regarding the gig of your dreams!