Nov 27, 2020

Kind20 Christmas Concert In Collaboration With gigmit


Let’s celebrate a Kind20 Christmas! The world is still struggling with the Covid-19 pandemic and it has become clear that this year’s holiday season will not be the same. Many people will not be able to come together on Christmas to celebrate with their families since a lot of countries are still facing restrictions and lockdowns.

However, Kindness cannot be quarantined and that is why KIND20 and gigmit teamed up to organize the KINDEST CHRISTMAS CONCERT, a very special 24h worldwide Christmas streaming festival on December 17th to “Unite Humanity Through Kindness”. 

Artists from all parts of the world are welcome to take part, share their music and create a whole day of togetherness that can be felt all over our planet. The idea is to move from one time zone to another and to have a diverse lineup for everyone. 

Set lengths will be 10min and artists will be most welcome to perform their own songs. All performing artists will also be asked to briefly share with the audience what “kindness” means to them. Performances will be pre-recorded and must be made available to the organizing team prior to the event.

Last call! Apply until the 3rd of December to be a part of this worldwide livestream here.

The concert will be streamed on the Facebook and posted on the Youtube channel

Kind20 christmas concert

About KIND20

#KIND20 is a new campaign from the global foundation, which champions social integration and global community cohesion. The foundation is endorsed by world leaders including President Barack Obama and has H.H. Pope Francis as its Patron. To promote an international spread of kindness, the #KIND20 campaign has turned to social media, inviting people to share photos and videos of their acts of kindness and/or expressing gratitude towards kindness done to them. Further, recognizing and showcasing these stories of kindness to inspire people across the globe.