Setting Up Your Image: First Impressions Matter
The perfect artist profile starts with the perfect artist picture! It’s always about the first impression, and in this case the eye is the first listener! In order to make your gigmit artist profile perfect, the first step to take is having a professional artist profile picture. It should be good, exciting and professional. But, more than anything, it should encapsulate you and your artistic persona. Decision makers want to know who they’re dealing with. Therefore, as a rule of thumb, having a picture where you are clearly visible will greatly increase your chances of being booked. You don’t need crazy budgets and professional shooting studios to achieve a successful result. Just use your phone, some natural light, and a cool looking setting. The most important thing is that YOU are there.
Genres: Be Clear
The next thing you need to take care of is clarifying what kind of music you make! As an artist it can be bothersome to put oneself into a box or “genre”, but remember that helping others understand what you do will greatly impact the chances of getting a booking offer. Find artists that move towards your sound, then pick a few curated and clear genres. You should be aware about the “real-world perspective” of a booker, and how they simply want to understand what you do as quickly as possible. The goal is to find suitable gigs that will expose you to the right crowd. Be pragmatic, you can be creative on stage.
Bilingual Profile: Be Intelligible To Others
Now you need to help others understand YOU! We are an international booking infrastructure. In case you’re not from a region where English is the chosen language, make sure foreigners can understand the information about you and your project. The information should always be available in your mother tongue AND English. How much should you write? A 300 characters text per language should be more than enough. Be synthetic, it also shows you have a clear idea of what you’re doing and how you want to present yourself. What is your unique selling point (USP)? What is your artistic identity? How does someone who comes from your gig tell their friends what they have just experienced? Be meaningful and concise. Detailed information, your biography, and articulate press text belong under the “Downloads/Press material” section at the bottom of your page.
Include Media: Let Your Music Shine
Moving forward… the fourth step towards the perfect artist profile is showing your Music… finally! Media is the must-have if you want to get your gigmit artist page perfect. In other words, no media, no booking. Under “Media/Songs” and “Videos” you can include up to 5 songs, videos or albums via Spotify, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Youtube, or Vimeo. If you connect your Spotify account, 5 of your top songs will be loaded automatically on the right of your artist page. You’re not on Spotify yet? Just let us help you here. Another crucial thing is to include videos of your live performances! As a result, promoters will be able to see you in action, and see that you’re a performer capable of managing a live setting scenario.
FAN INSIGHTS: Let’s Talk Numbers
Your Fan Insights is where the numbers on your profile are displayed. In the edit view, it’s the yellow bar in your statistics. It shows your level of awareness and how big your fanbase is. Who are the people following you, listening to your music, or watching your videos? Furthermore, how experienced are you? The bigger the numbers, the more attractive you are for deals and gigs. Don’t be frightened, though! That is to say, everyone starts somewhere, and being transparent on your result won’t necessarily undermine your success. Nail the rest, and you’ll be on track! Numbers will follow.
All the data you see comes from your social media which you can easily link to your artist page: Just add the URL and connect your Facebook, Spotify, YouTube, SoundCloud accounts, etc. By doing so, decision makers will have all in one place, and not have to waste time on finding this data. They’ll be grateful because you made their life easier.
Insider information: To have all your booking-relevant data at a glance is a service that is highly praised by the industry and has great potential to make your booking even easier. When it comes to data research, the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union supports gigmit. Learn more…
Gig History And Contact Area
These areas help A&Rs and promoters understand your position. In the contact sections, management, booking and publishing indicate the professionalism of your surrounding. Keep your gig history updated and enter upcoming and past gigs! This is about name-dropping clubs and festivals. The business pro can recognize your rough diamond status and assess whether you fit their event.
Pro tip: You control your availability for booking requests via the calendar. You don’t get this via the Artist Page, but via the “Booking / My Calendar”. Here you can see clearly when applications are still running or where you still have free dates. On the other hand, the calendar automatically regulates which booking requests make sense for you. Bookings via gigmit are automatically entered and transferred to the gig history. This is a great logistics tool for your gig planning.
Make Your gigmit Artist Profile Perfect, and Apply for the Bootcamp HERE.
In conclusion, the design and functionality of your smart artist page have been developed for you in collaboration with the gigmit community and the specific needs of the industry. A complete and up-to-date artist page is in your best interest. It is your digital business card, presents you even when you’re asleep and saves you a lot of extra effort. Use it! To edit your artist page, log in to, and click the third tile of your dashboard on the right “Edit EPK”. If you still have questions, feel free to contact us here.