How to get booked in times like these? This could be tough! We’ve prepared a short how-to guide to help get your project noticed, stand out from the crowd and, more importantly, get
booked on gigmit.
What’s Changed?
Not least because the impact of the pandemic has moved the majority of the music industry online, it is important that artists are aware of the various ways they can enhance their digital presence and get noticed by promoters. This isn’t specifically targeted at live performances either. Opportunities are everywhere and – with the right tools – you can give your project the best possible chance of reaping the benefits.
Without an online presence, you are invisible!
Where Am I Going Wrong?
The most common theme associated with lack of booking success is your inactivity. Without a consistently monitored online presence, you are invisible! It is important to keep your artist page updated to show people you are out there. In addition to inactivity, lack of knowledge and/or experience can also restrict your full potential.
Be Prepared to Get Booked!
We’ve prepared gigmit’s TOP 5 tips on how to get booked.
1. Update Your Profile Picture
Give your artist page a makeover! A fresh aesthetic can do wonders for your band’s image. Take inspiration from big stars and give your project a professional, current look.
Whilst having a current image is important, without music, no one will book you! Make sure to include plenty of music and show potential promoters how great you are.
gigmit FAQ: How to Change & Update Your Artist Page
3. Videos
Give your music the edge it deserves by uploading music videos, live performances and other eye-catching content to give your profile a professional edge.
4. Social Media & Streaming
Be sure to connect your social media profiles and streaming services to show promoters your existing fan base and provide real-time data of your success.
5. Experience
Include your top performances (past or future) to show people where you’ve been and where you’re going! To avoid overload, don’t add every gig. We recommend posting 10 stand-out shows of the year that you are proud of!
Give It A Personal Touch
Finally, give your artist page some personality! Show visitors your character by including an interesting artist description or press information that separates you
from the rest.
Don’t Give Up!
So how you get booked can be quite easy. Of course, the best way of getting booked is by applying to as many opportunities as possible! Try not to get disheartened if some of these do not go your way. The perfect opportunity is out there. Be sure to read up on past articles and advice for getting booked on our gigmit blog and get one step closer to securing your dream booking!

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