Multi-Effect Tools Transformed Music-Making. Now They Were Transformed Into Something Greater.
Since 1982, with the invention of the BOSS SCC700, arguably the first digital multi-effects in history, technology has gradually broadened horizons, both from the perspective of what is possible to do with sound, and what musicians can create by themselves.
Multi-effects have drastically evolved since the 70s reaching outstanding results on sound simulations to the point that (leave it alone the not-too-constructive discussion of analog X digital) the differences between original equipment and their simulated counterparts became almost imperceptible.
This has been the game for over two decades: a race for fidelity. And today even some of the famously affordable brands in the market offer great-sounding digital multi-effects.
It turns out that while these are life-saving solutions that emancipate musicians from high investments, weight, space, and hassle, the principle in itself hasn’t evolved. They offer a multitude of (only or mostly…) effects. Built-in effects.
But That’s Not How the Technology Works Nowadays, Is It?
As well-known, computers and smartphones are still not always ideal for making music. They work amazingly for a number of scenarios, but they still lack the connections and a dedicated system. They crash and they break.
People at MOD Devices have wondered for years why multi-effects couldn’t evolve into more powerful and flexible multi-tools: entire standalone systems that comprised not only effects but all the other devices that could be carried virtually inside one resistant standalone hardware piece.
When the solutions didn’t come, the company was founded and they’ve started creating it at once.
To make the experience truly liberating, musicians would need to have access not only to software created by MOD but by any developer in the world. That’s how the open-source philosophy was incorporated to the core of this project and the largest part of the MOD Devices plugin store can now be downloaded for free.
Discover the MOD Dwarf by MOD Devices
Fast-forward to 2020, two products later, the next step was to make the hardware really affordable. That’s where the MOD Dwarf came in. An entire music-making platform, with hundreds of effects, synths, amp simulators, MIDI, and audio tools inside a compact smart box. Some call it pedal-brain, others call it multi-tool.
The MOD Dwarf Kickstarter campaign was successfully funded in less than 24 hours and was featured in most of the most important music publications in the world. Currently, on the pre-order phase via Indiegogo, the MOD Dwarf can easily be considered the most current advance in music technology.
This is the dawn of a new era where traditional multi-effects evolve into promising multi-tools that can adapt to musicians’ needs. If the all-in-one-device, highly customizable approach seems appealing to you, we encourage you to look into the MOD Dwarf.
Gigmit users now get a 25% discount on the device on pre-orders on Indiegogo, learn more.

There’s nothing wrong with collecting tons of equipment. Indeed, people at MOD Devices love it as well. But the time when single devices become capable of much more than one functionality has finally arrived. And this is exciting news.
Get your 25% discount on the MOD Dwarf by MOD Devices here.
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