Apr 07, 2020

7 Submarine Rules for Music Makers During Social Distancing


We All Live In An Online Submarine: In times of social distancing and cancelled gigs it is important to look ahead. The crisis is finite and after that, it can go on. A lot of things will change – some things maybe for the better. These 7 rules from everyday life in a submarine will help you to make the best out of the situation and prepare for the time after Coronavirus.

1. Routine

In a submarine, it is important to have regular daily procedures. Therefore, the first of our 7 submarine rules for booking despite social distancing is routine. So don’t let yourself go like this in the gig-free time! There is enough to do, which usually gets left behind. Use the situation to reflect on your working methods and standards and ask yourself: “Why did I do it this way so far? Is it possible to do it differently and maybe even better?” Get in a good position and empower yourself: You can discover other people’s experiences and tips from the industry in the new gigmit blog. Now is the time for a fresh start!

2. Privacy

In the smallest of spaces, privacy is a commodity not to be underestimated – both underwater and in domestic quarantine. Create free space for yourself, also to be able to be creative. The offline mode is unusual, but sometimes it’s just magic. Now you can finally come up with your own ideas without anyone bothering you. Away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life artists are writing new songs and promoters are coming up with new concepts for concert series, parties and actions to bring the whole event-hungry post-Coronavirus society to the stage. By the way: online you can reach your target group even if social distancing no longer applies. Now you can finally read up on the topic of online promo in our big and free white paper for artists and for promoters.

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3. Food

Let yourself be inspired by new ideas and get some input! In submarine and social distancing, food is the way to keep the crew happy. For music makers, another input is recommended here as well. Take your time to see what other people are doing. Discover something completely new, from other genres, from other industries. How do successful clubs communicate? What does a successful act have that you do not? Which characteristics can you use for yourself? Also, you can find a list of the top 20 live streams HERE.

4. Sports

Sport is an unpleasant topic for some in the music industry. But fresh air is generally good for everyone. In a confined space you have to come up with something. Rehearsals, finger and dry runs also count. Just don’t get mentally exhausted now! Just keep moving somehow. Nobody benefits from it when social distancing is over and you’re all dusty by now. Mental movement is also not to be underestimated. You don’t have to become a fitness guru just because lung disease is raging outside. But a few bad habits in the industry, like smoking and other perhaps too highly dosed consumables could be questioned today.

5. Cleaning

In the submarine  you can’t see if the sun is shining. Though despite social distancing, we notice that spring is coming – and with it the need for spring-time cleaning. “Keep it clean!” is not only a rule when you glide through the ocean in a small tube. You should update your online presence now! What does your website actually look like? Is this old information still on YouTube? Update your riders and pictures! Improve your self-portrayal! Fix all the information you need for your live music life after Coronavirus and make the upcoming communication easier. This also includes updating your gigmit profile. Here you can find everything you need to make booking easy. When the live operation starts again, you’ll be glad to be well prepared. Instead of having to tell the same story a thousand times you can simply refer to your profile, which answers most of the questions at once.

6. Maintain Contact

We all live in an online submarine. Right now we are physically separated from each other, but this little thing called the internet connects us. The gigmit community has grown to almost 120,000 users and despite of Corona it remains and is there for you. You just must not disappear from the scene! In a submarine’s life this is not a good sign either. Clubs and artists without concerts are now dependent on help and solidarity. Draw attention to yourself and don’t wait for someone to automatically help you! Streaming is currently the method of choice. Fans and followers have time and are open for new bonds with you. Important information and links on COVID-19 and music makers we have compiled for you HERE.

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Via gigmit you can discover live acts quickly and clearly. Also, our updated festival & club database has grown to over 8,000 addresses of stages. Check it out HERE. It’s ideal for staying in touch during social distancing and much easier than in a submarine.

7. Perspective

We’re still holding our breath but soon there will be land in sight. After the shock of the current catastrophe, the bookers look ahead. It is not clear when and how exactly things will pick up. But it is certain that music will be played again. The run on gigs will be bigger than ever before. So, be well prepared – i.e. with gigmit, the management tool that makes booking easier. Furthermore, our new FAN INSIGHTS show you where the fans are. Use the data! This helps promoters to select the live acts. On top of that, our FAN INSIGHTS will help you determine your upcoming tour.

Look ahead! These 7 submarine rules for your booking do not only work in times of social distancing.

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